Amanda Dillon

I really wanted to write and say thank you. Thank you for inspiring me and teaching me. I resonated so much with your books and would one day love to work with you. I am so passionate about the planet and feel so overwhelmed by the plight of humanity and the planet, but your latest book has given me hope and some direction. Again thank you and some day I hope to be able to sit by your side in ceremony.

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Michael Rogerston

What a wonderful read. Lots of food for thought and a wonderful insight to you, a very brave and enriching story. Your integrity shines brightly........

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Anita Moondeva

Thank you for your book and for your dedication which much warmed my heart. It gave me so much to read about your openhearted journey. About the insecurities and the ego-game that I could so much relate to. Again, Thank you.

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Julia Mortonx

Hi Rebekita, I've read  your beautiful gift of a book and your journey resonates so closely with mine. What the shaman said to you sang to my soul. I hope to hear from you and thank you for your story.

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James Eckhardt

A  few weeks ago, I finally picked up The Shaman's Last Apprentice - I don't know why it took me so long!  Well, I have to tell you that I couldn't put it down - it is truly brilliant. I've read a number of spiritually inclined books in my time, but I genuinely think it's one of the best I've seen. It is truly an honour to read such a book and to know you - it made it all the more of an experience.  I wish you every luck with it - it exudes quality of the highest order. Truly wonderful.

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Shelley Sishton

I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying reading your book (takes me a long time to read anything!), it is a truly wonderful story and journey you share.

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Alyson Gracey

I just finished your book yesterday, and it was fantastic.  I just completed my first 10 Vipassana meditation retreat two weeks ago, and your book and experience fits perfectly with what I have begun to learn through Vipassana.

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Michael Finesilver

Have just finished reading your beautiful book. I feel the world is all the better for it being here and will recommend it to many. Very heartening how different paths can resonate to the same truth. Hope to connect up again in some productive way before too long. 

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Frank Campos

Your story touched me, Rebekita. You are a very courageous person to drop it all and walk into the unknown in such a dramatic fashion. That your questions were answered in the way they were brought tears to my eyes. I must go, but I send you love and good wishes.

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Jessica Cooper

Well, a friend of mine spends lots (a little too much, if you ask me) of his time on the internet. He reads lots of people's blogs, and came across your book, buying it through the net. A while ago, he was raving about your book. I asked him recently if I could borrow it, and that's how it ended up in my hands! And as for word of mouth, I've been spreading the word as well, because the book gave me a new perspective on…

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Andy Wilson

I've just finished reading your book. What a magnificent achievement. I was entranced, it would make a lovely film! It was an extraordinary account of an initiation into magic. I was absolutely amazed at how similar the teaching programme is to that of the druids and which is traditionally the teaching passed on from Merlin to young Arthur in the 21 Lessons, the root teachings also appear in Chopra's Way of the Wizard. Interesting to think that once upon a time Britain was covered in a dense forest and a DMT variant of Ayahuasca was more than likely brewed from Morning Glory and other roots and vines. It is absolutely fascinating- your account is brilliantly written and truly moving,exciting and illuminating.

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Sarah Charlton

Thank you Rebekita for having the courage and conviction to follow your dream, I know that is not always an easy thing to do, yet because you did, you have brought through a most powerful, inspiring and much needed book to assist others on their journey home.  With gratitude and blessings to you and expecting that our paths will meet again in the not to distant future.

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Cheryl Jay

Wonderful incredible beautiful journey I enjoy reading and again and again. Much gratitude for allowing us to open an inner heart connection journey. Loving energy to you.

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Diana Cooper

I really loved your book. Your courage, sense of adventure and wisdom shone from every page. I felt the happiness and simplicity of life in the Amazon jungle. Thank you.

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